How Long Do Hard Credit Inquiries Stay On Credit Report

Hard Inquiries Remain on Your Report for 24 Months. A series of hard inquiries in a short period of time can have significant impacts. On the plus side, hard inquiries won’t stay on your credit forever. Each inquiry can last a maximum of 24 months (two years) before it should automatically fall off your credit report.

How Long Do Inquiries Stay On Your Credit Reports? There are two kinds of inquiries , and only one – hard inquiries – hurts your credit scores. A soft inquiry, like an account review by your current credit card issuer, will show up on your credit reports but is not factored into your credit scores.

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Buffer Removing hard credit inquiries from your credit report requires that they meet a certain set of criteria. If you have inquiries eligible for removal, it’s time to brush up your writing chops. Get ready to send a letter. If you thought bad credit was only about non-payments, then think again.

How Long Do Hard Inquiries Stay On Your Credit Report? Hard inquiries stay on your credit for 2 years. However, that doesn’t mean a hard inquiry negatively affects your credit for 2 years. Rather, a hard inquiry will only affect your credit for up to 12 months. Even then, hard inquiries only hurt your credit if you have several. While hard inquiries can remain on your credit report for up to 2 years, I’ve seen them fall off after only 12 months.

Hard inquiries will stay on your credit report for 2 years from the date of the inquiry. Now you can take certain steps to dispute a "hard" inquiry but remember inquiries are the least important items to remove from a credit report compared to other items such as missed payments, collections and charge offs.

Further, monitor your credit on a site like Credit Karma. They’ll track it all for you for free and let you know when your credit report takes a hard inquiry or your score dips. A couple of other tips.

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For example, “if you’ve had a phone contract for a long. report with a “hard inquiry.” Too many, and it could signal that you’re desperate and could be a risky bet, which could hurt your credit.